Free & Reduced Lunch Applications are to be completed each year, on or after July 1st of the current school year. IF you have already completed an application for this school year, you do not need to submit it again, UNLESS your income or household size has changed.

Letter to households regarding the Free & Reduced Lunch program.

Complete your Free & Reduced Lunch application by logging into your LINQ Connect Family Portal, formerly known as TITAN Family Portal.

You may also choose to complete a hard copy of the CURRENT Free & Reduced Lunch Application. Please follow these instructions on how to complete the application. You may also reference the current Income Eligibility Guidelines.

If you are unable to utilize either of these options, you may obtain an application at any of the school’s front offices. Should you need assistance in completing the application, please ask and we would be happy to assist you.

Spanish Letter to Household

Spanish Free & Reduced Lunch Application and instructions.